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Let it Snow in the Cotswolds

Storm Cotswolds Guided Tours

Well we woke this morning to find the promised #snow had fallen in our little hidden village in the #cotswolds. Once the fires had been lit we set of with our border collie #Storm for a chilly walk in the blizzard. The news had described this huge amount of snow fall as a 'snow bomb' and I can see why, every surface was covered in that magical powder and so silent expect for us crunching through the fields. Living in a valley has meant that on days like this you can become cut off from the outside world, but that is life in the #Cotswolds. (Luckily we didn't have a tour today!)

Lucy & Storm Cotswolds Guided Tours

Cotswolds Guided Tours

So, one of our guests recently asked 'what do you do in winter' and that was an easy question to answer today........on the village green we built an impressive 8ft #snowman, with conkers for eyes, smile & buttons and a satsuma for a nose. He can now greet anyone else brave enough to venture out, but of course we thoght he might be a little chilly so he is now sporting one of our #tour #guide tshirt! He look both festive and fun, Now all thats left to do, is sit round the fire, and defrost our fingers and toes after a hard mornings work!

Snowman Cotswolds Guided Tours

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